Events Categories Conference Course Discussion Henry George Day Introductory Course Movies Political Economy Book Club Presentation Public Transportation Tour volunteer opportunity Tags Adam Smith agricultural economics agricultural preservation Alexis-Charles-Henri Clérel de Tocqueville america is not broke American history author event better way to spend our time bob jene candide capitalism CGO CGO Conference chicago chicago bicycle tour chicago is not broke Chicago minimum wage Chicago minorities chicago real estate speculation chicago tour Chicago Transit Authority collect the rent and leave wages alone community earnings community resources Cook County Assessor cook county is not broke Cooperation and generosity cost of segregation council of georgist organixations CTA Gray Line Curious Georgists make their own movies Daniel Kay Hertz Defective by Design democracy in america development rights DRM economic cycle tour Economic Development economic opportunity economic rent economics educational cartoons ending privilege Eric Blair farm issues farmland farms farms and farming fiscal stimulus food supply free Freedom Gentrification geoist media festival georgist videos good friday activity good friday tour governmental foolishness graduated income tax Illinois having fun Henry George Henry George Day Henry George on Copyrights Henry George School annual History of Labor in America how to achieve prosperity for all illinois is not broke incentive taxation income tax income tax appreciation day internal revenue service international trade invisible robbery invisible robbery tour Iron Heel Jack London Jason Grotto Justice Labor Day for Georgists Labor History libre software minimum wage municipal earnings O'Fallon open source software paid focus group path to prosperity pedestrian People of the Abyss political economy Political Economy Book Club political economy in practice Pope Francis and Henry George poverty poverty amidst prosperity Poverty in London privatizing public gains Pro Publica progress Progress & Poverty Progress and Poverty property tax prosperity public policy public revenue public revenue education council racial issues Resurrection revenue revenue sources self-supporting city smart tax socialism something to eat South Chicago South Shore stealing wealth tax policy Theory of Moral Sentiments tocqueville tolstoy tour Truth justice and the American way unemployment video entertainment videos voltaire Wealth Wealth of Nations why tax food wisdom of the income tax wise tax policy working for economic justice Week Agenda Day Month Week Week of January 12 12 Sun 13 Mon 14 Tue 15 Wed 16 Thu 17 Fri 18 Sat All-day 12:00 am 1:00 am 2:00 am 3:00 am 4:00 am 5:00 am 6:00 am 7:00 am 8:00 am 9:00 am 10:00 am 11:00 am 12:00 pm 1:00 pm 2:00 pm 3:00 pm 4:00 pm 5:00 pm 6:00 pm 7:00 pm 8:00 pm 9:00 pm 10:00 pm 11:00 pm Now: Jan 17 03:24 pm Week of January 12 Subscribe to filtered calendar Add to Timely Calendar Add to Google Add to Outlook Add to Apple Calendar Add to other calendar Export to XML