
Your donation is needed to support the School in helping concerned people educate themselves about the fundamental causes of today’s economic difficulties.

The easiest way to donate is to sign up with and use  In this way, many on-line stores will donate a small percentage of your purchase to the School.

If you’re in a position to donate directly, we can accept funds by credit or debit card using this Donate Philantro link.  Of course you can also donate by cash or check, given to HGS staff at any event or class, or by check mailed to:
Henry George School of Social Science Chicago Illinois
333 S Wabash Ave #2700
Chicago, IL 60604

The School is determined to be a public charity described in 501(c)(3) eligible to receive tax-deductible charitable contributions as provided by US law.  Our Employer Identification Number is 23-7289569.