
Invisible Robbery Tour @ leaves from Henry George School, 30 E Adams #1207
Sep 20 @ 2:00 pm
Stolen Statue Repossessed/Henry George School photo
Stolen Statue Repossessed/Henry George School photo

Originating as a field trip for students completing our Progress & Poverty course, this stroll thru downtown Chicago examines some of the ways that average people, and the community as a whole, are deprived of their just earnings. Among other things we’ll see who benefits from the expensive infrastructure and “economic development” projects, how Thomas Jefferson wanted Chicago to fund its public schools, what happens when a well-located building burns down, and how land speculators get their taxes paid by productive workers. Hardcopy sourced notes will be provided. Expect to walk about 2 km; maybe we’ll stop for snacks (individual settlement) along the way.

A $10 donation is requested from those who are not recent or current HGS students or donors, but nobody will be excluded due to lack of funds. If you have a paypal account, you can make your donation by credit card using the link below, or better yet bring cash or a check.

Political Economy Book Club discusses Wealth of Nations Book V @ Henry George School suite 1207
Nov 12 @ 6:00 pm
Image Credit: Funky Tee (cc) via flickr
Image Credit: Funky Tee (cc) via flickr

An injudicious tax offers a great temptation to smuggling. But the penalties of smuggling must rise in proportion to the temptation. The law, contrary to all the ordinary principles of justice, first creates the temptation, and then punishes those who yield to it…

— Adam Smith

Book V of Adam Smith’s classic is entitled “Of the Revenue of the Sovereign or Commonwealth,” includes the above as well as many thoughtful passages about what we nowadays call public finance.  Our Political Economy Book Club  will discuss this final part of Wealth of Nations on Wednesday, November 12.  You can download or read the book on line from several sources, borrow it from many public libraries, or purchase a copy inexpensively.

For further information or to let us know you’re coming, email PEBC coordinator Bob Matter or call 312 450 2906.

Introduction to Progress & Poverty (classic version of the course begins) @ Henry George School #1207
Jan 19 @ 6:15 pm – 8:15 pm

This session introduces Progress & Poverty, including an overview of what we cover in the course. Even if you don’t plan to take the full course, you can expect this introductory session to help you gain a new and useful perspective on today’s problems of wealth concentration, poverty, and lack of opportunity.

America in the 1870s faced increasing poverty, rising unemployment, rule by an elite and their corporations– many of the same problems we’re experiencing today.  Henry George described the cause of these problems and proposed a remedy which is even more applicable today than it was in his time. His book Progress & Poverty, perhaps the best-selling nonfiction book of the 19th century, presented his analysis and solution.

In this “classic” version of the course, students are encouraged to read the original 1879 text, and/or modern summaries and supplements, and to evaluate what George says against their own experience and understanding. You’ll gain a new understanding of how the economy works, which public policies promote liberty and prosperity, and which don’t.

Class meets every Tuesday, beginning 6:15PM on January 19, ending March 22.  More information about the course is here and here. Pre-registration is helpful but not required.

Political Economy Book Club: Resurrection @ Henry George School
Jun 1 @ 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm

Tolstoï_-_Résurrection,_trad._anonymeResurrection (1899)
By Leo Tolstoy

This late 19th-century novel about nobleman Dmitri Ivanovich Nekhlyudov’s efforts at redemption after a life of sin is Tolstoy’s last major novel before his death in 1910. The readers will have a complex relationship with the tormented protagonist and his desperate attempts at redemption and forgiveness, since Nekhlyudov’s misguided decisions and youthful errors are often not so dissimilar from our own. Resurrection is a scathing exposition of the myriad prejudices of the man-made justice system and the hypocrisy of the establishment, while it also explores the economic philosophy of Georgism – of which Tolstoy had become a strong advocate toward the end of his life.  [from the Culture Trip]

Political Economy Book Club discussions are open to everyone interested, without charge, and the text (in English translation) is available free from various sources including, who also offer a free audiobook. There is also a more recent translation by Anthony Briggs, which can be purchased or licensed in various formats and is available in some public libraries.  Any questions about the PEBC may be directed to Convenor Bob Matter,

Progress & Poverty course begins @ Levy Center
Sep 7 @ 1:00 pm – 2:30 pm

More information about this six-session course is here. and here.  This section of the course is free but you should preregister.

PRESENTATION CANCELLED Daniel Kay Hertz on The Battle of Lincoln Park: Urban Renewal and Gentrification in Chicago @ Signature Office
Feb 21 @ 6:15 pm – 8:15 pm

This presentation has been cancelled. We will let you know when it’s been rescheduled. There will be no presentation February 21, 2019.

The Battle of Lincoln Park tells the story of how people with clashing visions and values fought to determine the path gentrification would take before anyone was using that word. Calling on the power of private funds, public policy, moral appeals, and both nonviolent and violent protest, residents of Old Town and Lincoln Park struggled over the meaning of “desirable” homes, “neighborhood character”, and what kind of city Chicago should be. The outcomes set the tone for profound changes to the city that are still unfolding today.

Acclaimed author Daniel Kay Hertz has written extensively on subjects relating to gentrification, housing, urban demographics, and transportation. This is his first book.

Registration is required for this free event. Building security will print a badge for you to go upstairs.  If you plan to come, or are just considering the possibility, please let us know by email or by phoning us at 312 362-9302.

PRESENTATION RESCHEDULED Daniel Kay Hertz on The Battle of Lincoln Park: Urban Renewal and Gentrification in Chicago @ Signature Office
Mar 7 @ 6:15 pm – 8:15 pm

This presentation has been rescheduled and will now take place Thursday, March 7, 2019, at 6:15 pm.

The Battle of Lincoln Park tells the story of how people with clashing visions and values fought to determine the path gentrification would take before anyone was using that word. Calling on the power of private funds, public policy, moral appeals, and both nonviolent and violent protest, residents of Old Town and Lincoln Park struggled over the meaning of “desirable” homes, “neighborhood character”, and what kind of city Chicago should be. The outcomes set the tone for profound changes to the city that are still unfolding today.

Acclaimed author Daniel Kay Hertz has written extensively on subjects relating to gentrification, housing, urban demographics, and transportation. This is his first book.

Registration is required for this free event. Building security will print a badge for you to go upstairs.  If you plan to come, or are just considering the possibility, please let us know by email or by phoning us at 312 362-9302.

Introducing Progress & Poverty @ Henry George School at Signature Office
Jan 9 @ 6:15 pm – 8:15 pm
Introducing Progress & Poverty @ Henry George School at Signature Office
Jan 16 @ 6:15 pm – 8:15 pm
Suburban Living for Most of Us: Evolution of Residential Development in Chicago’s Western Suburbs @ Zoom Webinar
Jul 15 @ 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm

Please register for this Zoom Webinar by clicking the green registration button.

David Wilson, author of the forthcoming book Towns Along the Q, will discuss the consequences of certain disastrous and discriminatory housing policies that he has become familiar with in the course of researching the topic, development of Chicago’s western suburbs along the Chicago Burlington & Quincy Railway.

David A. Wilson
David A. Wilson