It’s not just traditional Chicago/Illinois corruption that robs working people of the wealth they make. Even squeaky-clean governments customarily allow a privileged few to levy a toll on the rest of us. This can’t be prevented in a democratic society as long as most of us don’t understand what we’re being robbed of.
Originally designed as a field trip for Progress & Poverty students, the Invisible Robbery tour is a guided walk around Chicago’s loop. You’ll see the value that you, all of us, create by our very presence. Then there’s the additional value that we pay for thru our taxes. We’ll see where it goes, consider where it could go, and note the potential. We’ll also say hello to Occupy Chicago.
The Saturday October 15 tour departs 28 E Jackson #1004 at 1 PM, returns about 3. Dress for the weather, and expect to walk about a mile and a half. Tour guide is HGS instructor Chuck Metalitz. This Invisible Robbery Tour is still free. Details here, or call 312 362 9302.