After years of false starts, we’ve got a new logo
It states who we are and represents where we operate. It indicates how long we have been around (actually our 1934 incarnation was as a branch of the New York school; we incorporated independently in 1970.) It is already on our new printed schedule, and will soon appear on other promotional material, business cards, and even here on our web site as we figure out how to do that. It is a work by the talented and tolerant Sarah Kelly, derived from ideas of the Henry George School Board.
It took a long time because, first, we are a bunch of independent thinkers, and second because we found no single nor composite image which represents what we do: teaching political economy from the viewpoint of justice, in a way readily understood by the average concerned American.
We are not of the political left nor the political right, tho most of us have sympathies with the concerns of both sides. What we all agree on is that an informed public, who understand the cause of poverty and Henry George’s proposed remedy, will be a good thing for the community and the nation. Please explore what we have to offer.
Our summer term class schedule has been posted, and the event schedule will be put up bit by bit in the coming days. If you would like a printed copy please call.