[The following, originally posted in December, 2011, remains relevant and has received minor edits.]
The mission of the Henry George School is to make available to everyone an education in political economy and social philosophy, based primarily on the works of Henry George. Anyone who understands George’s ideas knows the cause of poverty, and knows what must be done to eliminate it.
But progress depends on widespread knowledge, and our School has very limited resources for making people aware of what we offer. With one exception (who earns a sub-poverty wage), everyone working for the School is a volunteer. Past and present supporters provide us enough for rent, supplies, and very minimal advertising. Additional help is needed to improve the manner in which our message is presented, and make it more broadly known.
December is the traditional time for making monetary donations, and the Henry George School welcomes contributions of any amount. We are recognized as a 501/c/3 charitable organization, so donations can be tax-deductible, and donors can be formally recognized by our membership program(pdf). Donations can be made by credit card, or by check mailed to the School (Henry George School, 30 E Adams St. #1207, Chicago 60603). Although we do not maintain a corps of smooth-talking gift planners devoted to estate planning matters, we are able to assist in setting up tax-advantaged gifts for those who may be in a position to participate in them.
In addition to monetary donations, we solicit the assistance of volunteers in all aspects of our work. Help is needed with promotion, design, office operations, archives, and all kinds of special projects. Just let us know what you might like to do.