
High Cost of Government Revenue @ Henry George School suite 1207
Mar 31 @ 11:00 pm – Apr 1 @ 1:00 am

This presentation looks at the cost of collecting the income tax. The IRS overhead itself represents the direct cost to the government in generating this revenue. Beside that there is the burden put on the tax payer in preparing his return, in the case of an audit there may be the cost of representation before a tax court.  You also become aware of the vast amount of human resources wasted on this activity for the revenue generated.

How I made $1,000,000 in Chicago real estate: I $tole it from you! @ Henry George School suite 1207
Apr 1 @ 11:00 pm – Apr 2 @ 1:15 am
Aren't we all entitled to a piece of America?
Aren’t we all entitled to a piece of America? (Henry George School photo)

Successful land speculation (also known as “real estate investment”) is really a matter of taking for yourself the gains that belong to the community. George Menninger is one of the many who have done it, but he’s exceptional in his understanding of what he did, as well as his sympathy for his victims. He’ll explain how the bad public policy he exploited not only made him rich, but led to continued poverty, unemployment, and even the recent economic meltdown.

Menninger is a Henry George School volunteer instructor, and this stand-alone session also serves as the introduction to his modern version of Progress & Poverty.  After his talk, you may, if you wish, sign up for the five-session course.

Introducing Progress & Poverty @ Overflow Coffee Bar
Dec 1 @ 6:15 pm – 8:15 pm

In the 19th Century, Henry George proposed to end poverty by recognizing a clear and logical distinction between private property and community property. America took a different path, but George’s proposal remains valid and would still provide widespread prosperity. Chuck Metalitz explains.

Attendees at this free event will have the opportunity to sign up for the Progress & Poverty course which examines these ideas in much greater detail.

Introducing Progress & Poverty @ Overflow Coffee Bar
Apr 11 @ 6:15 pm – 8:15 pm

In the 19th Century, Henry George proposed to end poverty by recognizing a clear and logical distinction between private property and community property. America took a different path, but George’s proposal remains valid and would still provide widespread prosperity. Chuck Metalitz explains.

Attendees at this free event will have the opportunity to sign up for the Progress & Poverty course which examines these ideas in much greater detail.

Diagnosing Illinois’ Fiscal Sickness and Prescribing a Cure @ Signature Office
Jan 17 @ 6:15 pm – 8:15 pm

Adam Schuster will present “Diagnosing Illinois’ Fiscal Sickness and Prescribing a Cure” to the Henry George School. He is working on a 5-year fiscal plan to save the state and pay off its debt.

Adam is budget and tax research director at Illinois Policy Institute. Prior to joining the Institute, he worked in the Illinois Department of Labor to reduce unnecessary regulatory burdens and on an initiative to tie state spending to measurable outcomes.

Registration is required for this event. Those attending will be required to pick up a badge from building security to come upstairs. Please tell us you’re coming by sending email to or calling 312 362-9302.

PRESENTATION CANCELLED Daniel Kay Hertz on The Battle of Lincoln Park: Urban Renewal and Gentrification in Chicago @ Signature Office
Feb 21 @ 6:15 pm – 8:15 pm

This presentation has been cancelled. We will let you know when it’s been rescheduled. There will be no presentation February 21, 2019.

The Battle of Lincoln Park tells the story of how people with clashing visions and values fought to determine the path gentrification would take before anyone was using that word. Calling on the power of private funds, public policy, moral appeals, and both nonviolent and violent protest, residents of Old Town and Lincoln Park struggled over the meaning of “desirable” homes, “neighborhood character”, and what kind of city Chicago should be. The outcomes set the tone for profound changes to the city that are still unfolding today.

Acclaimed author Daniel Kay Hertz has written extensively on subjects relating to gentrification, housing, urban demographics, and transportation. This is his first book.

Registration is required for this free event. Building security will print a badge for you to go upstairs.  If you plan to come, or are just considering the possibility, please let us know by email or by phoning us at 312 362-9302.

PRESENTATION RESCHEDULED Daniel Kay Hertz on The Battle of Lincoln Park: Urban Renewal and Gentrification in Chicago @ Signature Office
Mar 7 @ 6:15 pm – 8:15 pm

This presentation has been rescheduled and will now take place Thursday, March 7, 2019, at 6:15 pm.

The Battle of Lincoln Park tells the story of how people with clashing visions and values fought to determine the path gentrification would take before anyone was using that word. Calling on the power of private funds, public policy, moral appeals, and both nonviolent and violent protest, residents of Old Town and Lincoln Park struggled over the meaning of “desirable” homes, “neighborhood character”, and what kind of city Chicago should be. The outcomes set the tone for profound changes to the city that are still unfolding today.

Acclaimed author Daniel Kay Hertz has written extensively on subjects relating to gentrification, housing, urban demographics, and transportation. This is his first book.

Registration is required for this free event. Building security will print a badge for you to go upstairs.  If you plan to come, or are just considering the possibility, please let us know by email or by phoning us at 312 362-9302.

Illinois Pension Solutions @ Signature Office
Apr 11 @ 6:15 pm – 8:15 pm
Illinois Pension Solutions @ Signature Office

Michael Belsky, executive director Center for Municipal Finance at Harris School University of Chicago, will discuss ongoing research into the state and local pension crisis in Illinois.

Registration is required for this free event.