
Will the Real Fiscal Stimulus Please Stand Up? @ Henry George School suite 1207
Sep 15 @ 6:00 pm

An evening with Bob Jene to compare the Georgist fiscal reform to the TARP bailout, “Fair Tax,” Flat Tax, Bush tax cuts and government money creation.  A gist of each proposed or attempted solution to the “great recession” will be given including QE I, QE II and QE III. Attendees will rank the proposed remedies on a scale of 1 to 10 based on 8 criteria.

Will the Real Fiscal Stimulus Please Stand Up? @ Henry George School suite 1207
Jan 26 @ 6:00 pm
image credit: FullyFunctnlPhil (cc) via flockr
image credit: FullyFunctnlPhil (cc) via flockr

An evening with Bob Jene to compare the Georgist fiscal reform to the TARP bailout, “Fair Tax,” Flat Tax, Bush tax cuts and government money creation.  A gist of each proposed or attempted solution to the “great recession” will be given including QE I, QE II and QE III. Attendees will rank the proposed remedies on a scale of 1 to 10 based on 8 criteria.

Will the Real Fiscal Stimulus Please Stand Up? @ Henry George School suite 1207
May 18 @ 6:00 pm
image credit: quantumamyrillis (cc) via flickr
image credit: quantumamyrillis (cc) via flickr

An evening with Bob Jene to compare the Georgist fiscal reform to the TARP bailout, “Fair Tax,” Flat Tax, Bush tax cuts and government money creation.  A gist of each proposed or attempted solution to the “great recession” will be given including QE I, QE II and QE III. Attendees will rank the proposed remedies on a scale of 1 to 10 based on 8 criteria.

Introductory course begins: History of Labor in America @ Henry George School #1207
Apr 5 @ 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm

Based on Henry George’s Social Problems and additional resources, this course is open to all interested adults.  You’re welcome to sit in on the first session free, after which a $25 registration fee applies. Course meets Tuesdays, April 5 thru June 7. Course description is here. It is helpful if you pre-register.

Bridging the Right-Left Divide: 37th Conference of the Council of Georgist Organizations @ Hilton Garden Inn
Jul 27 @ 7:30 pm – Jul 31 @ 10:30 am