We gather to talk about one of Henry George, Jr.’s important works, The Menace of Privilege. From the Preface:
What is the cause of the grave changes that are coming over the American Republic — the extraordinary inequality in the distribution of wealth manifested on every hand; the rise of class feeling; the growth of the aristocratic idea; the lapse from morals in business and private relations among the very rich; the growth of elements of physical, mental and moral deterioration among the working masses… the corruption of Federal, State, and municipal politics; the deterring of press, university and pulpit from open expression; the centralization of government; the advances in foreign aggression?
Update the style a little, and we are talking about 21st-century issues, including privileges of corporations (including labor unions) and misuse of the courts.
Our January 23 gathering will look at the first half (Books 1-5), treating the remainder on March 20. Political Economy Book Club meetings are open to the public without charge. RSVP appreciated to convenor Bob Matter or 312-450-2906. Bob is also the contact if you have questions.