Our Winter 2015 course and event schedule has been issued, and is being posted bit by bit to this site (see the “events” tab above, or for the complete schedule in hardcopy phone 312 450 2906). Progress & Poverty courses will start January 6 and 8, and again on February 13. There is also an advanced course, After the Crash, starting January 8. Click here for the details.
All of the programs below are free, tho donations are welcome:
New this term is the “One Hour Henry George” session which George Menninger will present on Saturday February 7, repeated the following Monday. This is intended as a quick way to understand the fundamental justice as well as the efficacy of Henry George’s approach, without requiring the detailed study needed in our Progress & Poverty course. In addition to teaching Progress & Poverty, Mr. Menninger has previously presented How I made $1,000,000.00 in Chicago Real Estate: I $tole it from You.
Mike Payne, author of the CTA Gray Line Proposal, will share his ideas with us on January 21. His plan is a relatively inexpensive and fast way to provide rapid transit service to the south side and south lakefront communities, using existing infrastructure and rolling stock. Mike will also discuss some of the obstacles he faces from entrenched interests.
Scott Baker’s excellent new program about New York City’s ill-conceived tax and assessment practices has been made available to us and will be presented by Bob Jene on January 14. Chicago is in some ways better off than New York in these matters, but local officials here will have plenty to learn from Scott.
As is their custom on the second Saturday of each month, Curious Georgists Go to the Movies on January 10.
More about our Winter schedule in the next post.