Wed May 22 PEBC continues with Adam Smith’s Wealth of Nations

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Adam Smith’s Wealth of Nations is a landmark work that marks the start of economics as a science. Smith was arguing against the mercantilism of his day pointing out that laborers and the products of their labor were the real wealth of the nation. We are returning to this great work to consider  Book II, Of the Nature, Accumulation, and Employment of Stock. On May 22 we will discuss the introduction through  chapter 3 and on June 19 we will finish with chapters 4 & 5.

The Wealth of Nations is available for free downloading at
Free audio recordings are available at librivox.

The Political Economy Book Club meets at 6 PM, at 30 E Jackson #1207.  Everyone is welcome and there is no cost, altho donations to help pay the rent are welcomed. RSVP to Bob Matter or call 312-450-2906.