We still don’t now where the School is moving (expect classes to be in several locations), but that doesn’t keep us from progressing with smart revenue ideas, our traditional Henry George Day observance, and a much improved mailing list.
ITEM 1: Henry George Day. As is our custom, we celebrate the first Monday in September as Henry George Day, gathering in a rustic Evanston back yard for food and drink, conversation, and a chance to meet other Georgists. Everyone who has ever completed any Henry George School course is welcome, and should feel free to bring a significant other and/or minor dependent(s). THERE IS NO CHARGE. It’s great if you can bring a dish to share, or money to contribute toward expenses, but neither is required.
What is required is that you let us know you’re coming, preferably by email to info@hgchicago.org no later than Friday September 2 noon Sunday September 4. You’ll get a response including the street address (which is near bus routes 97, 49B, 215, and a mile from Howard Red Line terminal.) Festivities start around 3PM (which is when we get some shade in the yard) and conclude at dusk or later.
ITEM 2: Join our new email list. Unlike the haphazard emails we’ve sent before, this is to be an organized endeavor, with a somewhat automated process for joining and leaving. You can join the list by clicking here, filling out your name and email address. This will generate a confirmation email; when you respond to that you’ll be on the list.
The list will carry messages about class schedules and other events, no more than one message per week. If you have any trouble getting on [or off] the list, let us know
ITEM 3: Useful things we have been doing. The photo shows Jim Frederiksen (wearing a tie, of course), Al Katzenberger (back to camera), and David Harrell (on the right, behind the table) explaining land value tax to attendees at the National Council of State Legislatures conference earlier this month. Public Revenue Education Council, of which Al is the chief, has done this work for twenty years, aided by local Georgists around the country. Jim is a surgeon and medical researcher who was formerly on the HGS Board until his relocation to North Carolina. David is a current HGS Board member. Adam Kerman, John Kelly, and Bob Jene also helped out during the three-day conference. In 2017 the conference will be in Boston, and volunteers are needed.