
Georgist Video Fest @ Henry George School
Dec 8 @ 5:00 pm – 9:00 pm

In recent years, Georgists have created a large amount of video material about fundamental economic concepts, their basis and their application. Some are brief, some extended.  All are helpful in understanding what we teach, why it’s important, and how it can be used.   Producers include Earthsharing, Earthsharing Australia, Council of Georgist Organizations, and others. We’ll be watching a bunch of these during a four hour period Tuesday evening.  Feel free to drop by for as long (or short) as you’d like. A list of the videos, with links, will be provided, as will some light refreshments.

The event is free, altho donations to help pay our rent and other expenses are appreciated.

Defective by Design: International Day Against DRM @ Henry George School
May 3 @ 5:00 pm – 8:30 pm

[Please note: There is no need to stay the full 3½ hours of this event.  Come when you’d like and leave when you wish. ]

How much stuff do you think you “own,” but really only have a limited license to use in specific ways? You may be surprised to learn who is restricting your freedom to innovate and share information.  As software-driven products become more common, how can you be sure that your possessions aren’t working against you?  Is that the price we have to pay to live in an advanced economy?  It need not be.

Find out how software freedom fits into the “liberty means justice” political economy that we teach, why and how we use open source software wherever possible (and it almost always is).  Discussion and videos presented in cooperation with the Free Software Foundation.

Meanwhile, to learn more about DRM and why it might be a bad thing, visit Defective by Design.

Join with the Public Revenue Education Council in educating public officials @ McCormick Place
Aug 8 – Aug 11 all-day

Once again this year, our colleagues from the Public Revenue Education Council will have a booth at the annual conference of the National Council of State Legislators.  PREC travel to the host city each year, and in 2016 they’re at McCormick Place in Chicago.

PREC will want assistance from local people who have completed one or more courses at the Henry George School and understand the fundamentals of political economy, especially land value taxation and the “two-rate” or “split rate” tax. If you might like to help out, contact Chuck Metalitz for more details.  Because this conference of public officials is closed to the public, this might be you only way to get into the exhibit hall, and requires pre-arrangement.  Only a limited number of these volunteer positions is available.

Council of Georgist Organizations Annual Conference @ holiday inn inner harbor baltimore
Aug 27 – Aug 31 all-day

The annual gathering of North American activists and educators promoting economic justice. The date and location are set, but other details will be posted to their site as they are determined.