
Georgist Video Fest @ Henry George School
Dec 8 @ 5:00 pm – 9:00 pm

In recent years, Georgists have created a large amount of video material about fundamental economic concepts, their basis and their application. Some are brief, some extended.  All are helpful in understanding what we teach, why it’s important, and how it can be used.   Producers include Earthsharing, Earthsharing Australia, Council of Georgist Organizations, and others. We’ll be watching a bunch of these during a four hour period Tuesday evening.  Feel free to drop by for as long (or short) as you’d like. A list of the videos, with links, will be provided, as will some light refreshments.

The event is free, altho donations to help pay our rent and other expenses are appreciated.

High Cost of Government Revenue @ Henry George School suite 1207
Jul 27 @ 6:00 pm


"Chuck on Tax Day" Credit: Chuck Holton cc-licensed
“Chuck on Tax Day” Credit: Chuck Holton cc-licensed

Do we need to suffer like this (and/or pay someone else) in order to fund government?  In this presentation, HGS instructor Bob Jene looks at what it costs to collect income taxes.  The direct cost to the government of operating the Internal Revenue Service is only a small part, as the burden put on the taxpayer, and the diversion of effort from productive uses, should also be considered.

Income Tax Appreciation Day @ TBA
Apr 1 all-day
detail from Alan O’Rourke’s Too Busy To Improve (CC BY 2.0)

Join us in celebrating Income Tax Appreciation Day. This page will be updated with specifics of our celebration as we figure out how best to do it.

Political Economy Book Club @ HGS at Signature Offices #2700
Sep 22 @ 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm

“In 1606, approximately 105 British colonists sailed to America, seeking gold and a trade route to the Pacific. Instead, they found disease, hunger, and hostile natives. Ill prepared for such hardship, the men responded with incompetence and infighting. Only the leadership of Captain John Smith averted doom….” (from the book jacket).