
Cycle tour of of South Loop and Lakeshore @ Meet at the Henry George School
May 17 @ 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm

Guided by HGS instructor Bob Jene, this tour starts with a look at the City of Chicago amenities on the lakefront in Grant Park, and their effect on land values in neighboring private properties especially along Prairie and Indiana Avenues south of Roosevelt.  This is the museum campus area with a mixed style of housing.  We continue down to the Central Station Area where there are some vintage mansions on Prairie Avenue. We will stop to look at assessor’s data on the value of units, properties and parking spaces and how they relate to location.

High Cost of Government Revenue @ Henry George School suite 1207
Oct 17 @ 6:00 pm
Henry George School photo by Chuck Metalitz
Henry George School photo by Chuck Metalitz

Would Rube Goldberg have been able to design a less straightforward system of funding government than the U S Federal income tax? In this presentation, HGS instructor Bob Jene looks at what it costs to collect this revenue.  The direct cost to the government of operating the Internal Revenue Service is only a small part, as the burden put on the taxpayer, and the diversion of effort from productive uses, should also be considered.

Georgist Video Festival @ Henry George School
Feb 20 @ 1:00 pm – 5:00 pm
The Real Tragedy of the Commons, (cc by nc nd) by Frits Ahlefeldt,
The Real Tragedy of the Commons, (cc by nc nd) by Frits Ahlefeldt,

We didn’t have time for all the videos he wanted to show last time, so Chuck Metalitz is doing it again: A marathon (well, four hours or so) of animations, lectures, documentaries, and other formats, from America, Canada, Australia, Britain, and maybe a few others, including people we do not necessarily identify as Georgists. Most of these are about three to fifteen minutes, with longer ones represented by extracts.  You’re welcome to stop by any time during the show; do not feel obligated to attend the entire session. 

Just about all of these videos are intended for an audience not familiar with Henry George or, in many cases, not even conscious of political economy.  That probably describes some of your friends or professional colleagues, so bring them along.

We will have some sort of light refreshments.  The event is free, with donations welcome. Also welcome are suggestions for relevant videos which we might not be aware of.

High Cost of Government Revenue @ Henry George School suite 1207
Jul 27 @ 6:00 pm


"Chuck on Tax Day" Credit: Chuck Holton cc-licensed
“Chuck on Tax Day” Credit: Chuck Holton cc-licensed

Do we need to suffer like this (and/or pay someone else) in order to fund government?  In this presentation, HGS instructor Bob Jene looks at what it costs to collect income taxes.  The direct cost to the government of operating the Internal Revenue Service is only a small part, as the burden put on the taxpayer, and the diversion of effort from productive uses, should also be considered.

Orwellian Economics @ Overflow Coffee Bar
Sep 13 @ 6:15 pm – 8:15 pm

The purpose of Newspeak was not only to provide a medium of expression for the world-view and mental habits proper to the devotees of IngSoc, but to make all other modes of thought impossible. It was intended that when Newspeak had been adopted once and for all and Oldspeak forgotten, a heretical thought – that is, a thought diverging from the principles of IngSoc – should be literally unthinkable, at least so far as thought is dependent on words.

— George Orwell

Dan Sullivan

Something like this has happened to the field of economics, says Dan Sullivan.  Terms which had clear meanings to Adam Smith, J S Mill, and other classical economists have got distorted and redefined– or obliterated–  to prevent serious discussion of economic issues. Going back to the roots of political economy, Dan suggests the real point of a proper science of economics would be to efficiently satisfy the desires of the people, both individually and collectively.

Dan will help us distinguish between “rights” and “privileges,” “investments” and “acquisitions”,  and several distinct concepts that all get called “wealth.” He’ll address the difference between “means of production” and “capital,” and differentiate “human capital” from modern slavery.

You can understand today’s economic issues such as minimum wages, tax policy, international trade, housing costs, and unemployment, but only if you have a clear idea of the fundamental terms.  These terms can be readily comprehended by ordinary people and do not lead to any particular “left” or “right” public policy, but they facilitate informed communication.

There will of course be time for questions and discussion.

Based in Pittsburgh, Dan Sullivan is a popular speaker on economic issues, and Director of Saving Communities

Jason Grotto on How the Cook County Assessor Fails Taxpayers @ Signature Office (Buckingham Room)
Jan 9 @ 6:15 pm – 8:15 pm
Jason Grotto (image credit: Pro Publica)

ProPublica Illinois investigative reporter Jason Grotto (formerly with the Chicago Tribune) has produced several major research stories about problems with real estate assessments in Cook County, as well as with the Assessor’s office itself. He’ll join us to talk about how and why he undertook this work, what’s wrong with the Assessor’s office and how it could be repaired, how the property tax would function if it were competently administered,  and, if we’re lucky, how the tax could be restructured to improve fairness and better fund public services while promoting economic opportunity.

Join us to learn about some of the practical difficulties in bringing competence and efficiency to the administration of what could be a very fair tax.

PREREGISTRATION MANDATORY: Due to building policies you must pre-register by email or or by phoning us at 312 450-2906

Suburban Living for Most of Us: Evolution of Residential Development in Chicago’s Western Suburbs @ Zoom Webinar
Jul 15 @ 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm

Please register for this Zoom Webinar by clicking the green registration button.

David Wilson, author of the forthcoming book Towns Along the Q, will discuss the consequences of certain disastrous and discriminatory housing policies that he has become familiar with in the course of researching the topic, development of Chicago’s western suburbs along the Chicago Burlington & Quincy Railway.

David A. Wilson
David A. Wilson