
Introductory course begins: History of Labor in America @ Henry George School #1207
Apr 5 @ 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm

Based on Henry George’s Social Problems and additional resources, this course is open to all interested adults.  You’re welcome to sit in on the first session free, after which a $25 registration fee applies. Course meets Tuesdays, April 5 thru June 7. Course description is here. It is helpful if you pre-register.

Alden Loury on the Costs of Segregation @ Overflow Coffee Bar
Jul 11 @ 6:15 pm – 8:15 pm

Metropolitan Planning Council’s Alden Loury will discuss his research into the costs that racial and ethnic segregation impose on all of us here, and might be persuaded to hint at the recommendations to come from phase 2 of the study.  We have a post with a bit more information.