
Georgist Video Festival @ Henry George School
Feb 20 @ 1:00 pm – 5:00 pm
The Real Tragedy of the Commons, (cc by nc nd) by Frits Ahlefeldt,
The Real Tragedy of the Commons, (cc by nc nd) by Frits Ahlefeldt,

We didn’t have time for all the videos he wanted to show last time, so Chuck Metalitz is doing it again: A marathon (well, four hours or so) of animations, lectures, documentaries, and other formats, from America, Canada, Australia, Britain, and maybe a few others, including people we do not necessarily identify as Georgists. Most of these are about three to fifteen minutes, with longer ones represented by extracts.  You’re welcome to stop by any time during the show; do not feel obligated to attend the entire session. 

Just about all of these videos are intended for an audience not familiar with Henry George or, in many cases, not even conscious of political economy.  That probably describes some of your friends or professional colleagues, so bring them along.

We will have some sort of light refreshments.  The event is free, with donations welcome. Also welcome are suggestions for relevant videos which we might not be aware of.

Defective by Design: International Day Against DRM @ Henry George School
May 3 @ 5:00 pm – 8:30 pm

[Please note: There is no need to stay the full 3½ hours of this event.  Come when you’d like and leave when you wish. ]

How much stuff do you think you “own,” but really only have a limited license to use in specific ways? You may be surprised to learn who is restricting your freedom to innovate and share information.  As software-driven products become more common, how can you be sure that your possessions aren’t working against you?  Is that the price we have to pay to live in an advanced economy?  It need not be.

Find out how software freedom fits into the “liberty means justice” political economy that we teach, why and how we use open source software wherever possible (and it almost always is).  Discussion and videos presented in cooperation with the Free Software Foundation.

Meanwhile, to learn more about DRM and why it might be a bad thing, visit Defective by Design.

Alden Loury on the Costs of Segregation @ Overflow Coffee Bar
Jul 11 @ 6:15 pm – 8:15 pm

Metropolitan Planning Council’s Alden Loury will discuss his research into the costs that racial and ethnic segregation impose on all of us here, and might be persuaded to hint at the recommendations to come from phase 2 of the study.  We have a post with a bit more information.

Orwellian Economics @ Overflow Coffee Bar
Sep 13 @ 6:15 pm – 8:15 pm

The purpose of Newspeak was not only to provide a medium of expression for the world-view and mental habits proper to the devotees of IngSoc, but to make all other modes of thought impossible. It was intended that when Newspeak had been adopted once and for all and Oldspeak forgotten, a heretical thought – that is, a thought diverging from the principles of IngSoc – should be literally unthinkable, at least so far as thought is dependent on words.

— George Orwell

Dan Sullivan

Something like this has happened to the field of economics, says Dan Sullivan.  Terms which had clear meanings to Adam Smith, J S Mill, and other classical economists have got distorted and redefined– or obliterated–  to prevent serious discussion of economic issues. Going back to the roots of political economy, Dan suggests the real point of a proper science of economics would be to efficiently satisfy the desires of the people, both individually and collectively.

Dan will help us distinguish between “rights” and “privileges,” “investments” and “acquisitions”,  and several distinct concepts that all get called “wealth.” He’ll address the difference between “means of production” and “capital,” and differentiate “human capital” from modern slavery.

You can understand today’s economic issues such as minimum wages, tax policy, international trade, housing costs, and unemployment, but only if you have a clear idea of the fundamental terms.  These terms can be readily comprehended by ordinary people and do not lead to any particular “left” or “right” public policy, but they facilitate informed communication.

There will of course be time for questions and discussion.

Based in Pittsburgh, Dan Sullivan is a popular speaker on economic issues, and Director of Saving Communities