Let us know if you’re coming for Henry George Day in Evanston Monday, September 6

Image credit: Don Barrett CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

We missed last year due to ‘demic and other disruptions, but this year we’ll gather again to celebrate the birthday of Henry George.  He was actually born September 2, 1839, but we gather on “Labor Day” as that’s more convenient for most working people.  Due to local solar conditions, we’ll start around 3 PM, continuing until more-or-less dark around 7.

All graduates, students, prospective students, volunteers, and other supporters of the Henry George School are invited.  It’d be great if you want to bring food or drink to share, but that’s not required.  But please do let us know you’ll be coming. While we’ll have grillables and other edibles, water and beer, it’ll be helpful if someone volunteers to bring a bag of ice, some soft drinks, etc.  Also email if you have any questions.