Show your support for what we do

Image by Hannah Sheffield (cc) via flickr
From image by Hannah Sheffield (cc) via flickr

Dear friend of the Henry George School,

Again we arrive at the season of begging, when nonprofits ask their supporters to send contributions before December 31, in order that they might take advantage of a federal income tax deduction. We at the Henry George School sincerely wish that there was no federal tax on earned income, so this would be irrelevant. But nearly all of us (unless able to hide or bribe our way out of it) are subject to a destructive, poverty-creating tax system. And that system, or worse, will be with us until the fundamental principles of political economy, expounded by Henry George and taught at our School, become widely understood. (Meanwhile, the Henry George School is an IRS-recognized public charity and donations are tax-deductible accordingly.)

You may be aware that we are almost entirely a volunteer-run operation, with the one paid staff member receiving a sub-minimum wage. Recent changes at the “big” Henry George School in New York have further reduced the amount of support we can expect from them, and while our modest endowment has yielded some investment return, we cannot expect in the current environment of “financial repression” to draw very heavily on that source.

We need and appreciate financial contributions from our students, graduates, friends and supporters. As always, you can mail a check or money order to Henry George School at 30 E Adams #1207, Chicago 60603, or donate by credit card. In-kind donations are also welcome, so please let us know if you have something we might be able to use.

This week, even if you’re not in a position to make any kind of monetary or material donation to the School, almost anyone with Internet access can give $5 courtesy of Igive. Just click on this link and register. Igive is a service through which hundreds of merchants (including most of the big ones) donate a small percentage of each on-line purchase to the buyer’s designated nonprofit– which can be the Henry George School.  For us to get the $5, you need only sign up by Monday (December 2). If you also purchase something, the donation will increase. This opportunity is available to everyone who hasn’t previously signed up for Igive.

Thanks to all our supporters for a fascinating year, and hoping for more accomplishments in the year to come.

Chuck Metalitz, President