
No Farms, No Food @ Henry George School suite 1207
Apr 25 @ 11:00 pm – Apr 26 @ 1:00 am

Since earliest civilizations, humans have recognized that food is a product of farmland (and, yes, pastureland, fisheries, etc) and have managed to cultivate enough land to feed themselves. Yet today we routinely convert farmland to urban use. American Farmland Trust (AFT) seek to ensure continued agricultural use of some land by buying development rights from farmers, and try to make farms more viable by facilitating community supported agriculture. The geoist fiscal reform provides an alternative way to encourage more conservative and productive use of all land. With additional material from YES! magazine about the slow food revolution, this presentation by HGS instructor Bob Jene suggests that an alliance between AFT and geoists might benefit both.

Will the Real Fiscal Stimulus Please Stand Up? @ Henry George School suite 1207
Sep 15 @ 6:00 pm

An evening with Bob Jene to compare the Georgist fiscal reform to the TARP bailout, “Fair Tax,” Flat Tax, Bush tax cuts and government money creation.  A gist of each proposed or attempted solution to the “great recession” will be given including QE I, QE II and QE III. Attendees will rank the proposed remedies on a scale of 1 to 10 based on 8 criteria.

Will the Real Fiscal Stimulus Please Stand Up? @ Henry George School suite 1207
Jan 26 @ 6:00 pm
image credit: FullyFunctnlPhil (cc) via flockr
image credit: FullyFunctnlPhil (cc) via flockr

An evening with Bob Jene to compare the Georgist fiscal reform to the TARP bailout, “Fair Tax,” Flat Tax, Bush tax cuts and government money creation.  A gist of each proposed or attempted solution to the “great recession” will be given including QE I, QE II and QE III. Attendees will rank the proposed remedies on a scale of 1 to 10 based on 8 criteria.

Will the Real Fiscal Stimulus Please Stand Up? @ Henry George School suite 1207
May 18 @ 6:00 pm
image credit: quantumamyrillis (cc) via flickr
image credit: quantumamyrillis (cc) via flickr

An evening with Bob Jene to compare the Georgist fiscal reform to the TARP bailout, “Fair Tax,” Flat Tax, Bush tax cuts and government money creation.  A gist of each proposed or attempted solution to the “great recession” will be given including QE I, QE II and QE III. Attendees will rank the proposed remedies on a scale of 1 to 10 based on 8 criteria.

People of the Abyss — at the Political Economy Book Club @ Henry George School
Aug 19 @ 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm
image from the 1903 edition, via Wikimedia
image from the 1903 edition, via Wikimedia

The People of the Abyss (1903) is a book by Jack London (1876-1916) about life in the East End of London in 1902. He wrote this first-hand account by living in the East End for several months, sometimes staying in workhouses or sleeping on the streets. The conditions he experienced and wrote about were the same as those endured by an estimated 500,000 of the contemporary London poor.  Decades later, this book inspired George Orwell to write Down and Out in Paris and London.

A bit late to be a contemporary of Henry George, Jack London lived mainly in northern California  and was a passionate advocate of workers’ rights. Both London and George were members of Bohemian Grove.

(source: Wikipedia)

The People of the Abyss is available free on line as text from Gutenberg, and as an audiobook from LibriVox, as well as in hardcopy from various libraries and book dealers.

Political Economy Book Club is open to everyone wishing to participate in the discussion, without charge altho donations are appreciated to help pay for rent and snacks. Convenor Bob Matter appreciates an RSVP from those planning to attend.


Jason Grotto on How the Cook County Assessor Fails Taxpayers @ Signature Office (Buckingham Room)
Jan 9 @ 6:15 pm – 8:15 pm
Jason Grotto (image credit: Pro Publica)

ProPublica Illinois investigative reporter Jason Grotto (formerly with the Chicago Tribune) has produced several major research stories about problems with real estate assessments in Cook County, as well as with the Assessor’s office itself. He’ll join us to talk about how and why he undertook this work, what’s wrong with the Assessor’s office and how it could be repaired, how the property tax would function if it were competently administered,  and, if we’re lucky, how the tax could be restructured to improve fairness and better fund public services while promoting economic opportunity.

Join us to learn about some of the practical difficulties in bringing competence and efficiency to the administration of what could be a very fair tax.

PREREGISTRATION MANDATORY: Due to building policies you must pre-register by email or or by phoning us at 312 450-2906

PRESENTATION CANCELLED Daniel Kay Hertz on The Battle of Lincoln Park: Urban Renewal and Gentrification in Chicago @ Signature Office
Feb 21 @ 6:15 pm – 8:15 pm

This presentation has been cancelled. We will let you know when it’s been rescheduled. There will be no presentation February 21, 2019.

The Battle of Lincoln Park tells the story of how people with clashing visions and values fought to determine the path gentrification would take before anyone was using that word. Calling on the power of private funds, public policy, moral appeals, and both nonviolent and violent protest, residents of Old Town and Lincoln Park struggled over the meaning of “desirable” homes, “neighborhood character”, and what kind of city Chicago should be. The outcomes set the tone for profound changes to the city that are still unfolding today.

Acclaimed author Daniel Kay Hertz has written extensively on subjects relating to gentrification, housing, urban demographics, and transportation. This is his first book.

Registration is required for this free event. Building security will print a badge for you to go upstairs.  If you plan to come, or are just considering the possibility, please let us know by email or by phoning us at 312 362-9302.

PRESENTATION RESCHEDULED Daniel Kay Hertz on The Battle of Lincoln Park: Urban Renewal and Gentrification in Chicago @ Signature Office
Mar 7 @ 6:15 pm – 8:15 pm

This presentation has been rescheduled and will now take place Thursday, March 7, 2019, at 6:15 pm.

The Battle of Lincoln Park tells the story of how people with clashing visions and values fought to determine the path gentrification would take before anyone was using that word. Calling on the power of private funds, public policy, moral appeals, and both nonviolent and violent protest, residents of Old Town and Lincoln Park struggled over the meaning of “desirable” homes, “neighborhood character”, and what kind of city Chicago should be. The outcomes set the tone for profound changes to the city that are still unfolding today.

Acclaimed author Daniel Kay Hertz has written extensively on subjects relating to gentrification, housing, urban demographics, and transportation. This is his first book.

Registration is required for this free event. Building security will print a badge for you to go upstairs.  If you plan to come, or are just considering the possibility, please let us know by email or by phoning us at 312 362-9302.

Suburban Living for Most of Us: Evolution of Residential Development in Chicago’s Western Suburbs @ Zoom Webinar
Jul 15 @ 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm

Please register for this Zoom Webinar by clicking the green registration button.

David Wilson, author of the forthcoming book Towns Along the Q, will discuss the consequences of certain disastrous and discriminatory housing policies that he has become familiar with in the course of researching the topic, development of Chicago’s western suburbs along the Chicago Burlington & Quincy Railway.

David A. Wilson
David A. Wilson