
Henry George Day
Sep 7 @ 3:00 pm – 7:15 pm
One of the vignettes created by the late Evanston artist Bill Judson for an HGS booklet in the 1990s
One of the vignettes created by the late Evanston artist Bill Judson for an HGS booklet in the 1990s

We’ll gather in a rustic Evanston back yard [you get the exact address when you RSVP] to commemorate Henry George’s 174th birthday (actually he was born September 2, but that’s inconvenient for most working folks).  This year, we’re also celebrating a new team supporting School operations. In honor of which, and thanks to the generosity of HGS supporters past and present, everyone who’s completed any HGS course, ever, is welcome to attend without charge. Bring a significant other, or a friend who might find HGS or interest, also no charge.  And of course no charge for your minor dependents. We hope to see people who might have taken a course years ago and almost lost touch with us. Come by, meet the new team, and share your ideas.

There will be food, drink, a lot of conversation and maybe some productive argument about how to help our community understand how the economy works, the fundamental principles which can be harnessed to bring prosperity and freedom.

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE let us know by Friday September 4 whether you’ll be coming.  It would be great, but not required, if you can bring something to share.  Monetary donations are also extremely welcome, and can be made here, or by check to the School, or at the event.

Georgist Video Fest @ Henry George School
Dec 8 @ 5:00 pm – 9:00 pm

In recent years, Georgists have created a large amount of video material about fundamental economic concepts, their basis and their application. Some are brief, some extended.  All are helpful in understanding what we teach, why it’s important, and how it can be used.   Producers include Earthsharing, Earthsharing Australia, Council of Georgist Organizations, and others. We’ll be watching a bunch of these during a four hour period Tuesday evening.  Feel free to drop by for as long (or short) as you’d like. A list of the videos, with links, will be provided, as will some light refreshments.

The event is free, altho donations to help pay our rent and other expenses are appreciated.

Georgist Video Festival @ Henry George School
Feb 20 @ 1:00 pm – 5:00 pm
The Real Tragedy of the Commons, (cc by nc nd) by Frits Ahlefeldt,
The Real Tragedy of the Commons, (cc by nc nd) by Frits Ahlefeldt,

We didn’t have time for all the videos he wanted to show last time, so Chuck Metalitz is doing it again: A marathon (well, four hours or so) of animations, lectures, documentaries, and other formats, from America, Canada, Australia, Britain, and maybe a few others, including people we do not necessarily identify as Georgists. Most of these are about three to fifteen minutes, with longer ones represented by extracts.  You’re welcome to stop by any time during the show; do not feel obligated to attend the entire session. 

Just about all of these videos are intended for an audience not familiar with Henry George or, in many cases, not even conscious of political economy.  That probably describes some of your friends or professional colleagues, so bring them along.

We will have some sort of light refreshments.  The event is free, with donations welcome. Also welcome are suggestions for relevant videos which we might not be aware of.

Henry George Day
Sep 5 @ 3:00 pm – 7:15 pm
Another of the vignettes created for the School in the 1990s by the late Evanston artist Bill Judson

We’ll gather in a rustic south Evanston back yard [you get the exact address when you RSVP] to commemorate Henry George’s 177th birthday (actually he was born September 2, but that’s inconvenient for most working folks).  This year, we’re also celebrating, we hope, the School’s new location (yet to be determined at this writing).

Thanks to the generosity of HGS supporters past and present, everyone who’s completed any HGS course, ever, is welcome to attend without charge. Bring a significant other, or a friend who might find HGS of interest, also no charge.  And of course no charge for your minor dependents. We hope to see people who might have taken a course years ago and almost lost touch with us. Come by, meet some of the new students and graduates, as well as the volunteer staff.

There will be food, drink, a lot of conversation and maybe some productive discussion about how to help our community understand how the economy works, the fundamental principles which can be harnessed to bring prosperity and freedom.

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE let us know by Friday September 2 whether you’ll be coming.  It would be great, but not required, if you can bring something to share.  Monetary donations are also extremely welcome, and can be made here, or by check to the School, or at the event.

Henry George Day
Sep 4 @ 3:00 pm – 7:15 pm
Thinking inside the box outside. Image credit: Frits Ahlefeldt (cc)

We’ll gather in a rundown south Evanston back yard [you get the exact address when you RSVP; be assured it is half a mile to publc transportation.] to commemorate Henry George’s 178th birthday (actually he was born September 2, but by tradition we use Labor Day).  This year, we’re also celebrating our transition to a virtual school using multiple locations, no longer paying monthly rent to a landlord.

Thanks to the generosity of HGS supporters past and present, everyone who’s completed any HGS course, ever, is welcome to attend without charge. Bring a significant other, or a friend who might find HGS of interest, also no charge.  And of course no charge for your minor dependents. We hope to see people who might have taken a course years ago and almost lost touch with us. Come by, meet some of the new students and graduates, as well as the volunteer staff.

There will be food, drink, a lot of conversation and maybe some productive discussion about how to help our community understand how the economy works, the fundamental principles which can be harnessed to bring prosperity and freedom.

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE let us know by Friday September 1 whether you’ll be coming.  It would be great, but not required, if you can bring something to share.  Monetary donations are also extremely welcome, and can be made here, or by check to the School, or at the event.

Jason Grotto on How the Cook County Assessor Fails Taxpayers @ Signature Office (Buckingham Room)
Jan 9 @ 6:15 pm – 8:15 pm
Jason Grotto (image credit: Pro Publica)

ProPublica Illinois investigative reporter Jason Grotto (formerly with the Chicago Tribune) has produced several major research stories about problems with real estate assessments in Cook County, as well as with the Assessor’s office itself. He’ll join us to talk about how and why he undertook this work, what’s wrong with the Assessor’s office and how it could be repaired, how the property tax would function if it were competently administered,  and, if we’re lucky, how the tax could be restructured to improve fairness and better fund public services while promoting economic opportunity.

Join us to learn about some of the practical difficulties in bringing competence and efficiency to the administration of what could be a very fair tax.

PREREGISTRATION MANDATORY: Due to building policies you must pre-register by email or or by phoning us at 312 450-2906

Henry George Day @ Oakton Historic District--Mulford St, Evanston
Sep 2 @ 3:00 pm – 7:00 pm
Henry George and the Dragon

Henry George was born in Philadelphia on September 2, 1839, so we’ll celebrate his 185th birthday on Labor Day.  As usual, the event will be in a south Evanston back yard, beginning when we get some shade around 3:00, and continuing at least until dark (We do have indoor space in case of rain or extreme heat).

This is a potluck; bring something if you can and let Chuck know about it. Grilled sausages and some vegan stuff will be provided.  All alumni, friends, and prospective students of the School are welcome but you must let us know you’re coming.  Expect to find some soft drinks, beer, maybe wine if somebody brings some.

While the event is free, monetary donations to the School will be gratefully accepted.