
High Cost of Government Revenue @ Henry George School suite 1207
Mar 31 @ 11:00 pm – Apr 1 @ 1:00 am

This presentation looks at the cost of collecting the income tax. The IRS overhead itself represents the direct cost to the government in generating this revenue. Beside that there is the burden put on the tax payer in preparing his return, in the case of an audit there may be the cost of representation before a tax court.  You also become aware of the vast amount of human resources wasted on this activity for the revenue generated.

Introduction to Progress & Poverty (classic version of the course begins) @ Henry George School #1207
Jan 19 @ 6:15 pm – 8:15 pm

This session introduces Progress & Poverty, including an overview of what we cover in the course. Even if you don’t plan to take the full course, you can expect this introductory session to help you gain a new and useful perspective on today’s problems of wealth concentration, poverty, and lack of opportunity.

America in the 1870s faced increasing poverty, rising unemployment, rule by an elite and their corporations– many of the same problems we’re experiencing today.  Henry George described the cause of these problems and proposed a remedy which is even more applicable today than it was in his time. His book Progress & Poverty, perhaps the best-selling nonfiction book of the 19th century, presented his analysis and solution.

In this “classic” version of the course, students are encouraged to read the original 1879 text, and/or modern summaries and supplements, and to evaluate what George says against their own experience and understanding. You’ll gain a new understanding of how the economy works, which public policies promote liberty and prosperity, and which don’t.

Class meets every Tuesday, beginning 6:15PM on January 19, ending March 22.  More information about the course is here and here. Pre-registration is helpful but not required.

Progress & Poverty course begins @ Levy Center
Sep 7 @ 1:00 pm – 2:30 pm

More information about this six-session course is here. and here.  This section of the course is free but you should preregister.

Diagnosing Illinois’ Fiscal Sickness and Prescribing a Cure @ Signature Office
Jan 17 @ 6:15 pm – 8:15 pm

Adam Schuster will present “Diagnosing Illinois’ Fiscal Sickness and Prescribing a Cure” to the Henry George School. He is working on a 5-year fiscal plan to save the state and pay off its debt.

Adam is budget and tax research director at Illinois Policy Institute. Prior to joining the Institute, he worked in the Illinois Department of Labor to reduce unnecessary regulatory burdens and on an initiative to tie state spending to measurable outcomes.

Registration is required for this event. Those attending will be required to pick up a badge from building security to come upstairs. Please tell us you’re coming by sending email to or calling 312 362-9302.

Illinois Pension Solutions @ Signature Office
Apr 11 @ 6:15 pm – 8:15 pm
Illinois Pension Solutions @ Signature Office

Michael Belsky, executive director Center for Municipal Finance at Harris School University of Chicago, will discuss ongoing research into the state and local pension crisis in Illinois.

Registration is required for this free event.

Invisible Robbery Tour @ Van Buren/Wabash
Oct 12 @ 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm
Building sold — land not included (Henry George School photo by Chuck Metalitz)

Right on the streets of every American community, robbery takes place every working day. You might not realize how much value the people of Chicago (and every other community) already create, simply by going about our daily activities.  You’ll learn how we could comfortably produce much more, if only a smart tax policy were put in place.

Originally conceived as a field trip for Progress and Poverty students, this stroll — about 2 km and 90 minutes — presents some answers for those interested in finding out.  Additionally, we’ll take a look at recovered loot of a long-ago theft, learn how Thomas Jefferson proposed to finance Chicago’s public schools, see some infrastructure that you probably didn’t know about, visit a shopping mall that you paid for but don’t own, and glimpse a billionaire’s downtown garden.

Detailed sourced notes will be provided. This is now a free tour, no donation required, although we do appreciate (tax-deductible) contributions from those who can afford it and find the event worthwhile.

Please sign up using the Eventbrite link.