
Political Economy Book Club discusses Wealth of Nations Book V @ Henry George School suite 1207
Nov 12 @ 6:00 pm
Image Credit: Funky Tee (cc) via flickr
Image Credit: Funky Tee (cc) via flickr

An injudicious tax offers a great temptation to smuggling. But the penalties of smuggling must rise in proportion to the temptation. The law, contrary to all the ordinary principles of justice, first creates the temptation, and then punishes those who yield to it…

— Adam Smith

Book V of Adam Smith’s classic is entitled “Of the Revenue of the Sovereign or Commonwealth,” includes the above as well as many thoughtful passages about what we nowadays call public finance.  Our Political Economy Book Club  will discuss this final part of Wealth of Nations on Wednesday, November 12.  You can download or read the book on line from several sources, borrow it from many public libraries, or purchase a copy inexpensively.

For further information or to let us know you’re coming, email PEBC coordinator Bob Matter or call 312 450 2906.

PEBC Discusses Democracy in America (volume 1) @ Henry George School
Mar 29 @ 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm
image credit: Wikimedia Commons
image credit: Wikimedia Commons

In 1831, Alexis de Tocqueville and Gustave de Beaumont were sent by the French government to study the American prison system. In his later letters Tocqueville indicates that he and Beaumont used their official business as a pretext to study American society instead. They arrived in New York City in May of that year and spent nine months traveling the United States, studying the prisons, and collecting information on American society, including its religious, political, and economic character.


Democracy in America was one of the products of this trip. It’s available in several translations, some free such as this one and this one, also free in audio format.  On March 29, the Political Economy Book Club will discuss volume 1.

PEBC meetings are free and open to everyone who has read and wishes to talk about the book under discussion. Convenor Bob Matter appreciates an RSVP if possible.

A subsequent meeting will discuss volume 2

No Farms, No Food @ Levy Center
Mar 15 @ 10:00 am – 12:00 pm
No Farms, No Food @ Levy Center | Evanston | Illinois | United States

Urban sprawl is threatening to destroy much valuable farmland. We will look at data from one of the leading national organizations trying to mitigate this damage, The American Farmland Trust (AFT). Among other things they buy development rights from farmers to insure the land’s continued use in agriculture and attempt to facilitate community supported agriculture which makes family farms more viable. The Georgist fiscal reform reduces sprawl alleviating pressure on farmland.

(image credit: Kristian Bjornard ; Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 Generic (CC BY-SA 2.0);

Jason Grotto on How the Cook County Assessor Fails Taxpayers @ Signature Office (Buckingham Room)
Jan 9 @ 6:15 pm – 8:15 pm
Jason Grotto (image credit: Pro Publica)

ProPublica Illinois investigative reporter Jason Grotto (formerly with the Chicago Tribune) has produced several major research stories about problems with real estate assessments in Cook County, as well as with the Assessor’s office itself. He’ll join us to talk about how and why he undertook this work, what’s wrong with the Assessor’s office and how it could be repaired, how the property tax would function if it were competently administered,  and, if we’re lucky, how the tax could be restructured to improve fairness and better fund public services while promoting economic opportunity.

Join us to learn about some of the practical difficulties in bringing competence and efficiency to the administration of what could be a very fair tax.

PREREGISTRATION MANDATORY: Due to building policies you must pre-register by email or or by phoning us at 312 450-2906

Political Economy Book Club discusses Adam Smith’s Theory of Moral Sentiments (session 1) @ Bridgeport Coffeehouse (Loop location)
Oct 16 @ 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Adam Smith graphic
image credit: Behance CC BY-ND 4.0

Decades before Wealth of Nations, Adam Smith wrote what he seems to have considered a superior work, Theory of Moral Sentiments.  He wrote:

How selfish soever man may be supposed, there are evidently some principles in his nature, which interest him in the fortune of others, and render their happiness necessary to him, though he derives nothing from it except the pleasure of seeing it.

Wikipedia asserts:

Smith critically examines the moral thinking of his time, and suggests that conscience arises from dynamic and interactive social relationships through which people seek “mutual sympathy of sentiments.”[74] His goal in writing the work was to explain the source of mankind’s ability to form moral judgement, given that people begin life with no moral sentiments at all. Smith proposes a theory of sympathy, in which the act of observing others and seeing the judgements they form of both others and oneself makes people aware of themselves and how others perceive their behaviour.

The Theory of Moral Sentiments has been printed in numerous editions, and is also available free on line.  Smith revised the book throughout his lifetime; it’s best to avoid the first edition, and choose one published after his death in 1790.

In this session we’ll discuss parts 1-3 of the book, taking up parts 4-7 on November 20,


Political Economy Book Club discusses Theory of Moral Sentiments (session 2) @ Bridgeport Coffee (loop location)
Nov 20 @ 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Adam Smith graphic
image credit: Behance CC BY-ND 4.0

This is the second and concluding session for this book, covering parts 4-7.