
Cycle tour of of South Loop and Lakeshore @ Meet at the Henry George School
May 17 @ 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm

Guided by HGS instructor Bob Jene, this tour starts with a look at the City of Chicago amenities on the lakefront in Grant Park, and their effect on land values in neighboring private properties especially along Prairie and Indiana Avenues south of Roosevelt.  This is the museum campus area with a mixed style of housing.  We continue down to the Central Station Area where there are some vintage mansions on Prairie Avenue. We will stop to look at assessor’s data on the value of units, properties and parking spaces and how they relate to location.

Defective by Design: International Day Against DRM @ Henry George School
May 3 @ 5:00 pm – 8:30 pm

[Please note: There is no need to stay the full 3½ hours of this event.  Come when you’d like and leave when you wish. ]

How much stuff do you think you “own,” but really only have a limited license to use in specific ways? You may be surprised to learn who is restricting your freedom to innovate and share information.  As software-driven products become more common, how can you be sure that your possessions aren’t working against you?  Is that the price we have to pay to live in an advanced economy?  It need not be.

Find out how software freedom fits into the “liberty means justice” political economy that we teach, why and how we use open source software wherever possible (and it almost always is).  Discussion and videos presented in cooperation with the Free Software Foundation.

Meanwhile, to learn more about DRM and why it might be a bad thing, visit Defective by Design.

Alden Loury on the Costs of Segregation @ Overflow Coffee Bar
Jul 11 @ 6:15 pm – 8:15 pm

Metropolitan Planning Council’s Alden Loury will discuss his research into the costs that racial and ethnic segregation impose on all of us here, and might be persuaded to hint at the recommendations to come from phase 2 of the study.  We have a post with a bit more information.

Income Tax Appreciation Day @ TBA
Apr 1 all-day
detail from Alan O’Rourke’s Too Busy To Improve (CC BY 2.0)

Join us in celebrating Income Tax Appreciation Day. This page will be updated with specifics of our celebration as we figure out how best to do it.

Political Economy Book Club @ HGS at Signature Offices #2700
Sep 22 @ 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm

“In 1606, approximately 105 British colonists sailed to America, seeking gold and a trade route to the Pacific. Instead, they found disease, hunger, and hostile natives. Ill prepared for such hardship, the men responded with incompetence and infighting. Only the leadership of Captain John Smith averted doom….” (from the book jacket).