Daniel Kay Hertz author presentation The Battle of Lincoln Park
Tag Archives: Chicago
Read Democracy in America– and more videos at the Henry George School
Political Economy Book Club convenor Bob Matter reminds us to start reading Democracy in America volume 1, in order to participate in the PEBC discussion Tuesday, March 29, 6 to 8 PM. Or, if you don’t care to read it, you can listen to a free audiobook version. Democracy in America is arguably a great …
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Fiscal Stimulus?
What is the best policy to revive the economy and improve the incomes of working people? Bailing out insolvent banks, and asking them to lend more money? Taxes on consumption? Simplify the income tax and flatten the rates? Or just print a bunch of money? HGS instructor Bob Jene knows the answer (which is “no”) …
Yes, you can still learn fundamentals of political economy this year
We have one more section of Progress & Poverty, Thursdays beginning November 17 (except Thanksgiving). See the schedule here and course description here. More sections will be offered in 2012, of course. Another option is on-line instruction thru the Henry George Institute. HGI assigns an individual instructor for each student, and some of these instructors …
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