
Invisible Robbery Tour @ Departs from Henry George School, Suite 1207
Apr 3 @ 12:00 pm
Henry George School photo by Chuck Metalitz
Henry George School photo by Chuck Metalitz

Right on the streets of every American community, robbery takes place every working day. You might not realize how much value the people of Chicago (and every other community) create, simply by going about our daily activities. What is this wealth, how do we create it, and where does it go?

Originally conceived as a field trip for Progress & Poverty students, this stroll — about 2 km and 90 minutes — presents some answers for those interested in finding out.  Additionally, we’ll take a look at recovered loot of a long-ago theft, learn how Thomas Jefferson would have solved the problem of financing Chicago’s public schools, and see an economic development incentive that costs less than nothing.  We might stop for snacks along the way (individual settlement).

Detailed sourced notes will be provided. This is now a free tour, no donation required, although we do appreciate (tax-deductible) contributions from those who can afford it and find the event worthwhile.

No Farms No Food @ Henry George School suite 1207
Jul 13 @ 6:00 pm
House construction on farmland Sheboygan Co credit: Brett VA
House construction on farmland Sheboygan Co — credit: Brett VA

As farmland yields to “higher-value” uses, how (and how well and how inexpensively) will we eat? Bob Jene reviews data from a leading agricultural preservation organization, the American Farmland Trust (AFT). Among other things they buy development rights from landowners to insure continued farming use, and attempt to facilitate community supported agriculture which makes family farms more viable. A Georgist fiscal reform encourages more conservative and productive use of all land and reduces sprawl, thus preventing encroachment on farmland.  An alliance with AFT would benefit us both.

No Farms, No Food @ Levy Center
Mar 15 @ 10:00 am – 12:00 pm
No Farms, No Food @ Levy Center | Evanston | Illinois | United States

Urban sprawl is threatening to destroy much valuable farmland. We will look at data from one of the leading national organizations trying to mitigate this damage, The American Farmland Trust (AFT). Among other things they buy development rights from farmers to insure the land’s continued use in agriculture and attempt to facilitate community supported agriculture which makes family farms more viable. The Georgist fiscal reform reduces sprawl alleviating pressure on farmland.

(image credit: Kristian Bjornard ; Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 Generic (CC BY-SA 2.0);

PRESENTATION CANCELLED Daniel Kay Hertz on The Battle of Lincoln Park: Urban Renewal and Gentrification in Chicago @ Signature Office
Feb 21 @ 6:15 pm – 8:15 pm

This presentation has been cancelled. We will let you know when it’s been rescheduled. There will be no presentation February 21, 2019.

The Battle of Lincoln Park tells the story of how people with clashing visions and values fought to determine the path gentrification would take before anyone was using that word. Calling on the power of private funds, public policy, moral appeals, and both nonviolent and violent protest, residents of Old Town and Lincoln Park struggled over the meaning of “desirable” homes, “neighborhood character”, and what kind of city Chicago should be. The outcomes set the tone for profound changes to the city that are still unfolding today.

Acclaimed author Daniel Kay Hertz has written extensively on subjects relating to gentrification, housing, urban demographics, and transportation. This is his first book.

Registration is required for this free event. Building security will print a badge for you to go upstairs.  If you plan to come, or are just considering the possibility, please let us know by email or by phoning us at 312 362-9302.

PRESENTATION RESCHEDULED Daniel Kay Hertz on The Battle of Lincoln Park: Urban Renewal and Gentrification in Chicago @ Signature Office
Mar 7 @ 6:15 pm – 8:15 pm

This presentation has been rescheduled and will now take place Thursday, March 7, 2019, at 6:15 pm.

The Battle of Lincoln Park tells the story of how people with clashing visions and values fought to determine the path gentrification would take before anyone was using that word. Calling on the power of private funds, public policy, moral appeals, and both nonviolent and violent protest, residents of Old Town and Lincoln Park struggled over the meaning of “desirable” homes, “neighborhood character”, and what kind of city Chicago should be. The outcomes set the tone for profound changes to the city that are still unfolding today.

Acclaimed author Daniel Kay Hertz has written extensively on subjects relating to gentrification, housing, urban demographics, and transportation. This is his first book.

Registration is required for this free event. Building security will print a badge for you to go upstairs.  If you plan to come, or are just considering the possibility, please let us know by email or by phoning us at 312 362-9302.

Income Tax Appreciation Day @ TBA
Apr 1 all-day
detail from Alan O’Rourke’s Too Busy To Improve (CC BY 2.0)

Join us in celebrating Income Tax Appreciation Day. This page will be updated with specifics of our celebration as we figure out how best to do it.