
No Farms, No Food @ Henry George School suite 1207
Apr 25 @ 11:00 pm – Apr 26 @ 1:00 am

Since earliest civilizations, humans have recognized that food is a product of farmland (and, yes, pastureland, fisheries, etc) and have managed to cultivate enough land to feed themselves. Yet today we routinely convert farmland to urban use. American Farmland Trust (AFT) seek to ensure continued agricultural use of some land by buying development rights from farmers, and try to make farms more viable by facilitating community supported agriculture. The geoist fiscal reform provides an alternative way to encourage more conservative and productive use of all land. With additional material from YES! magazine about the slow food revolution, this presentation by HGS instructor Bob Jene suggests that an alliance between AFT and geoists might benefit both.

To Satisfy the Demands of Justice @ Henry George School suite 1207
Oct 7 @ 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm

This is a special presentation for students at DePaul, Loyola, and Dominican Universities.  If you meet this requirement and you’re interested in solving the problem of poverty, you’ll get $20 (or a free course voucher if you prefer) by attending this program. RSVP is essential.  Others may attend on space-available basis.

Political Economy Book Club discusses Wealth of Nations Book V @ Henry George School suite 1207
Nov 12 @ 6:00 pm
Image Credit: Funky Tee (cc) via flickr
Image Credit: Funky Tee (cc) via flickr

An injudicious tax offers a great temptation to smuggling. But the penalties of smuggling must rise in proportion to the temptation. The law, contrary to all the ordinary principles of justice, first creates the temptation, and then punishes those who yield to it…

— Adam Smith

Book V of Adam Smith’s classic is entitled “Of the Revenue of the Sovereign or Commonwealth,” includes the above as well as many thoughtful passages about what we nowadays call public finance.  Our Political Economy Book Club  will discuss this final part of Wealth of Nations on Wednesday, November 12.  You can download or read the book on line from several sources, borrow it from many public libraries, or purchase a copy inexpensively.

For further information or to let us know you’re coming, email PEBC coordinator Bob Matter or call 312 450 2906.

No Farms No Food @ Henry George School suite 1207
Jul 13 @ 6:00 pm
House construction on farmland Sheboygan Co credit: Brett VA
House construction on farmland Sheboygan Co — credit: Brett VA

As farmland yields to “higher-value” uses, how (and how well and how inexpensively) will we eat? Bob Jene reviews data from a leading agricultural preservation organization, the American Farmland Trust (AFT). Among other things they buy development rights from landowners to insure continued farming use, and attempt to facilitate community supported agriculture which makes family farms more viable. A Georgist fiscal reform encourages more conservative and productive use of all land and reduces sprawl, thus preventing encroachment on farmland.  An alliance with AFT would benefit us both.

Introducing Progress & Poverty @ Overflow Coffee Bar
Dec 1 @ 6:15 pm – 8:15 pm

In the 19th Century, Henry George proposed to end poverty by recognizing a clear and logical distinction between private property and community property. America took a different path, but George’s proposal remains valid and would still provide widespread prosperity. Chuck Metalitz explains.

Attendees at this free event will have the opportunity to sign up for the Progress & Poverty course which examines these ideas in much greater detail.

No Wall, No Privilege: How True Free Trade Can Raise American Wages and End Poverty @ Overflow Coffee Bar
Feb 14 @ 6:15 pm – 8:15 pm
No Wall, No Privilege: How True Free Trade Can Raise American Wages and End Poverty @ Overflow Coffee Bar | Chicago | Illinois | United States

International trade has been a continuing issue throughout our history. The issues Henry George confronted in the late 19th century were similar to those raised in the recent election. His careful analysis showed that both sides were wrong, and proposed a trade policy to raise real wages of working Americans.

Despite huge social, technological, and demographic changes since George’s time, his analysis requires only very minor updates, and concludes that today, again, both sides are wrong. Take this opportunity to understand and evaluate for yourself a proposal to achieve widespread prosperity, here and now, thru True Free Trade.

This free presentation by Henry George School instructor Chuck Metalitz is adapted from our “Protection or Free Trade” course.

No Farms, No Food @ Levy Center
Mar 15 @ 10:00 am – 12:00 pm
No Farms, No Food @ Levy Center | Evanston | Illinois | United States

Urban sprawl is threatening to destroy much valuable farmland. We will look at data from one of the leading national organizations trying to mitigate this damage, The American Farmland Trust (AFT). Among other things they buy development rights from farmers to insure the land’s continued use in agriculture and attempt to facilitate community supported agriculture which makes family farms more viable. The Georgist fiscal reform reduces sprawl alleviating pressure on farmland.

(image credit: Kristian Bjornard ; Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 Generic (CC BY-SA 2.0);