
High Cost of Government Revenue @ Henry George School suite 1207
Mar 31 @ 11:00 pm – Apr 1 @ 1:00 am

This presentation looks at the cost of collecting the income tax. The IRS overhead itself represents the direct cost to the government in generating this revenue. Beside that there is the burden put on the tax payer in preparing his return, in the case of an audit there may be the cost of representation before a tax court.  You also become aware of the vast amount of human resources wasted on this activity for the revenue generated.

Invisible Robbery Tour @ Departs from Henry George School, Suite 1207
Apr 3 @ 12:00 pm
Henry George School photo by Chuck Metalitz
Henry George School photo by Chuck Metalitz

Right on the streets of every American community, robbery takes place every working day. You might not realize how much value the people of Chicago (and every other community) create, simply by going about our daily activities. What is this wealth, how do we create it, and where does it go?

Originally conceived as a field trip for Progress & Poverty students, this stroll — about 2 km and 90 minutes — presents some answers for those interested in finding out.  Additionally, we’ll take a look at recovered loot of a long-ago theft, learn how Thomas Jefferson would have solved the problem of financing Chicago’s public schools, and see an economic development incentive that costs less than nothing.  We might stop for snacks along the way (individual settlement).

Detailed sourced notes will be provided. This is now a free tour, no donation required, although we do appreciate (tax-deductible) contributions from those who can afford it and find the event worthwhile.

People of the Abyss — at the Political Economy Book Club @ Henry George School
Aug 19 @ 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm
image from the 1903 edition, via Wikimedia
image from the 1903 edition, via Wikimedia

The People of the Abyss (1903) is a book by Jack London (1876-1916) about life in the East End of London in 1902. He wrote this first-hand account by living in the East End for several months, sometimes staying in workhouses or sleeping on the streets. The conditions he experienced and wrote about were the same as those endured by an estimated 500,000 of the contemporary London poor.  Decades later, this book inspired George Orwell to write Down and Out in Paris and London.

A bit late to be a contemporary of Henry George, Jack London lived mainly in northern California  and was a passionate advocate of workers’ rights. Both London and George were members of Bohemian Grove.

(source: Wikipedia)

The People of the Abyss is available free on line as text from Gutenberg, and as an audiobook from LibriVox, as well as in hardcopy from various libraries and book dealers.

Political Economy Book Club is open to everyone wishing to participate in the discussion, without charge altho donations are appreciated to help pay for rent and snacks. Convenor Bob Matter appreciates an RSVP from those planning to attend.


Introductory course begins: History of Labor in America @ Henry George School #1207
Apr 5 @ 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm

Based on Henry George’s Social Problems and additional resources, this course is open to all interested adults.  You’re welcome to sit in on the first session free, after which a $25 registration fee applies. Course meets Tuesdays, April 5 thru June 7. Course description is here. It is helpful if you pre-register.

No Farms, No Food @ Levy Center
Mar 15 @ 10:00 am – 12:00 pm
No Farms, No Food @ Levy Center | Evanston | Illinois | United States

Urban sprawl is threatening to destroy much valuable farmland. We will look at data from one of the leading national organizations trying to mitigate this damage, The American Farmland Trust (AFT). Among other things they buy development rights from farmers to insure the land’s continued use in agriculture and attempt to facilitate community supported agriculture which makes family farms more viable. The Georgist fiscal reform reduces sprawl alleviating pressure on farmland.

(image credit: Kristian Bjornard ; Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 Generic (CC BY-SA 2.0);

Diagnosing Illinois’ Fiscal Sickness and Prescribing a Cure @ Signature Office
Jan 17 @ 6:15 pm – 8:15 pm

Adam Schuster will present “Diagnosing Illinois’ Fiscal Sickness and Prescribing a Cure” to the Henry George School. He is working on a 5-year fiscal plan to save the state and pay off its debt.

Adam is budget and tax research director at Illinois Policy Institute. Prior to joining the Institute, he worked in the Illinois Department of Labor to reduce unnecessary regulatory burdens and on an initiative to tie state spending to measurable outcomes.

Registration is required for this event. Those attending will be required to pick up a badge from building security to come upstairs. Please tell us you’re coming by sending email to or calling 312 362-9302.

Illinois Pension Solutions @ Signature Office
Apr 11 @ 6:15 pm – 8:15 pm
Illinois Pension Solutions @ Signature Office

Michael Belsky, executive director Center for Municipal Finance at Harris School University of Chicago, will discuss ongoing research into the state and local pension crisis in Illinois.

Registration is required for this free event.

Political Economy Book Club reads Jack London’s The Iron Heel @ Bridgeport Coffeehouse (Loop location)
Jun 25 @ 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm

Bob Matter’s Political Economy Book Club is reading Jack London’s dystopian novel The Iron Heel On June 25 we’ll discuss chapters 1-13, and on July 23 chapters 14-25.  This 1908 text is available free from Project Gutenberg, in hardcopy from some public libraries, or as an audiobook.  You can buy used hardcopies for < $10 from several vendors.

We’ll meet at the East Loop location of Bridgeport Coffeehouse, 73 E Jackson Blvd.

Political Economy Book Club finishes Jack London’s “The Iron Heel” @ Bridgeport Coffee (Loop location)
Jul 23 @ 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm

Bob Matter’s Political Economy Book Club concludes its discussion of Jack London’s dystopian novel The Iron Heel On July 23 we treat chapters 14-25.

We’ll meet at the east loop location of Bridgeport Coffee, 73 E Jackson.